Whey Protein vs. Plant Protein: Which Is Best for You?

December 30, 2021

Back in the day, if you wanted to bump up your protein intake with a great supplement, there was really only whey. Fast forward to today, however, and whey is no longer the only type of protein on the shelf. 

In fact, if you hop online to do a quick internet search for “protein powder,” you’ll likely find yourself drowning in a sea of options. From trendy hemp to classic casein, when it comes to protein in the 21st century— choices are limitless.

Here at BioHealth, we’re big fans of options — that’s why you’ll find a wide variety of unique flavors when checking out our products. Whether you’ve got a sweet tooth for chocolate peanut butter or you’re a coffee aficionado, we’ve got something to tickle just about anyone’s fancy. 

But, if you ask us, picking out your favorite flavor is a much simpler task than sorting through a ton of protein sources. 

Which type of protein is best? 

Do they all taste the same? 

Protein is just protein, right?

Whether you’re on a mission to improve your overall body composition or simply hoping to shed a few post-holiday pounds, protein powder can help; however, the type you choose can make a difference in your fitness journey. That’s why it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with some of the popular protein sources before purchasing one. 

We already know whey reigns supreme in the realm of fitness, but what’s the verdict on plant protein — does it work better?  

We’ll tell you. 

In this post, we’re exploring two of the most popular protein sources to uncover the differences and discover which is best. Are you ready? 

Let’s dive in!

But First, Why Is Protein So Important Anyway? 

Everyone knows that protein is an essential part of a healthy diet, but what exactly is it? 

Along with carbohydrates and fat, protein is a macronutrient, meaning the body requires it in large quantities to function optimally. It also provides a powerhouse of health benefits ranging from immune system support to preserving and repairing essential life functions. 

Needless to say, protein is pretty important!

Protein For Exercise

When most folks hear “protein” and “exercise” in the same sentence, they’re most likely to conjure up images in their heads of bodybuilders chugging protein shakes while noshing on protein bars. But the truth of the matter is that protein is crucial for everyone who’s hitting the gym, playing sports, or doing any other form of physical activity — not just the pros. 

You see, it really doesn’t matter which way you look at it; macronutrients are essential for exercise. Why? Because when you exercise, you’re effectively tearing muscle fibers apart, which then need to be repaired by the body to grow and become stronger — and to do that, protein is required.  

So, if your goal is to get leaner, stronger, or build muscle mass, nourishing your body with protein is key

Shakes vs. Food 

Every athlete and fitness fanatic requires an adequate amount of good quality protein — but is guzzling a protein shake really better than eating a high-protein meal?

Here’s the deal: if you have access to a balanced diet full of lean proteins, then a shake isn’t really necessary. 

Now, here’s the truth: According to a recent study, only 2.7 percent of Americans have a “healthy lifestyle,” with another study showing that one out of eight adults in the U.S are metabolically unhealthy — and much of that boils down to diet choices.  

In other words, there’s a pretty good chance your diet is lacking, and a quality protein shake may prove to be beneficial while on your fitness journey. 

Not to mention protein shakes are an extremely convenient way of quickly fueling your body with the nutrients it needs after a solid workout to recover sooner rather than later. What’s not to love? 

Whey Protein vs. Plant Protein: The Ultimate Showdown 

Now that you understand what protein is and why a premium quality shake would benefit you, let’s get to the ultimate showdown between whey protein and plant protein, shall we?

Whey Protein: 

If you’ve ever heard of cheese curds, you know that the liquidy substance in milk separates to make curds. The watery portion that remains is used to make whey protein powder. 

There are two primary qualities of whey protein that you can find:

  1. Whey Protein Concentrate. This is generally somewhere between 30 to 90 percent pure protein depending on the product you purchase and contains greater amounts of lactose. 
  2. Whey Protein Isolate. On the other hand, an isolate is 90 to 95 percent pure protein and has a very low percent of lactose. 
Technically, since whey protein is a byproduct of milk, it is an animal protein. This type of protein generally provides all nine essential amino acids in the optimal ratios needed to sustain muscle growth and metabolic processes in the human body.  

What’s more, after consumption, whey protein is easily digested and absorbed by the body quickly, making it an excellent option for post-workout fuel and recovery. 

When looking for a top-notch whey protein powder, we recommend our Precision ISO Whey Protein. This incredible GMO-free formula contains 27+ grams of premium pasture-fed protein in each scoop and can help you build lean muscle and strength while fueling your recovery.  

Plant Protein:

Unlike its counterpart, plant protein isn’t a byproduct of milk but is derived from — you guessed it — plants. There are several different plant-based protein options on the market today, but the most popular include:

  • Soy protein
  • Pea protein
  • Brown rice protein
  • Hemp protein

Plant proteins contain high levels of antioxidants and fiber, two essential nutrients that are in low (or even non-existent) quantities in animal sources such as whey. 

In addition, since plant proteins don’t contain any milk, they are an excellent option for 30 million Americans who have some degree of lactose intolerance

Another great advantage of plant protein is that most are hypoallergenic, gluten-free, and can easily be digested. And if you use our delicious Phyto Fuel Supergreeens powder, not only will you reap all the incredible benefits of a plant protein, but you’ll also get a healthy dose of probiotics to fight free radicals while boosting your body’s potential!  

Which Protein Comes Out on Top? 

So, which protein is best for you?

At the end of the day, when comparing the two popular proteins, you really need to think about which fits in with your lifestyle. 

If your main goal is to put on some serious muscle mass, the amino acids found in whey protein may be best. 

Plant protein, however, has a much higher nutrient density and is more environmentally friendly than whey. In addition, protein derived from plants doesn’t contain any dairy — so lactose-intolerant folks can rejoice!

Here at BioHealth, we can’t decide which protein is best — only you can do that — but what we can do is supply you with the best products on the market. 

Whether you decide to incorporate whey or a plant protein into your diet, you can trust us to have the cleanest supplements on the planet, masterfully crafted from premium ingredients like Pasture Fed Whey or organic plants, fruits, and veggies.  

Pioneering healthier, pasture-fed, and Phyto-perfect products, we’re setting a new industry standard on just how good your nutrition can be — and we’re confident that you’ll feel the difference! 

Exceptional flavors. Clean ingredients. Remarkable results. When it comes to your health, don’t settle for anything less. Check us out today and see how we can help you to reach your fitness goals tomorrow. Trust us — you’ll be glad you did. 



Only 12 percent of American adults are metabolically healthy, Carolina study finds | UNC-Chapel Hill

Healthy Lifestyle Characteristics and Their Joint Association With Cardiovascular Disease Biomarkers in US Adults | Mayo Clinic

Protein in diet | Medline Plus

Whey Protein: Health Benefits and Potential Side Effects | Health Cleveland Clinic

What are macronutrients? | M D Anderson

Fiber | The Nutrition Source | Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health

How Microtears Help You to Build Muscle Mass | University Hospitals: The Science of Health


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