BioHealth Nutrition Blog

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July 17, 2023

Navigating the Social Scene: Staying Healthy While Enjoying Nightlife

Socializing and enjoying the nightlife can be a fantastic way to unwind, connect with friends, and embrace the vibrant energy of any city. However, it's no secret that this scene often involves indulgent food, alcohol, and late nights, which can take a toll on our health and well-being. Here's we'll go through strategies to help you navigate the social scene and stay healthy while enjoying a night out so you can have the best of both worlds. 

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July 15, 2023

Recipe: High Protein Blueberry Cauliflower Smoothie

Cauliflower may not be your first choice for a refreshing smoothie, but this healthy high protein blueberry cauliflower smoothie is a delightful twist that combines the sweetness of blueberries with the creaminess of cauliflower. This unique fusion not only tantalizes your taste buds but also provides a powerful protein punch to fuel your day.

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July 13, 2023

Fueling Your Summer Fitness: Healthy Eating Tips

Summer is a season of abundance, with vibrant fruits and vegetables overflowing at farmers markets and refreshing drinks tempting us at every turn. It's the perfect time to revamp your eating habits and fuel your body for your summer fitness goals. Here are some healthy eating tips specifically tailored to the summer season that'll give you optimal results.

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July 01, 2023

Recipe: Double Chocolate Protein Cookies

Indulgence meets nourishment in this recipe for Double Chocolate Protein Cookies. Combining the sinful allure of rich, velvety chocolate with the power-packed goodness of protein, these cookies are a guilt-free delight that will satisfy your sweet tooth and fuel your body. 

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June 09, 2023

Quench Your Thirst: The Importance of Hydration and What to Properly Hydrate With

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to overlook the simple yet vital act of staying hydrated. However, proper hydration plays a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. Whether you're juggling a demanding career, managing a family, or pursuing personal goals, maintaining optimal hydration levels is key to unlocking your full potential. We'll go through the importance of hydration and provide insights into what you should be hydrating with to fuel your body effectively.

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June 09, 2023

Superfoods for a Healthy Diet: What to Include in Your Grocery List

Maintaining a healthy diet is the foundation for overall well-being and vitality. What you eat affects not only your physical health, but also your mental health. When it comes to maximizing the nutritional value of your meals, superfoods are the way to go. These nutrient-dense powerhouses are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other essential compounds that offer numerous health benefits. Here, we'll explore a variety of superfoods that you should include in your grocery list to enhance your diet and support your health goals.

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June 07, 2023

Recipe: Cake Batter Protein Smoothie

With the perfect balance of creamy goodness and cake-like flavor, this cake batter protein smoothie offers a nutritious twist on a classic treat. Packed with protein, and aminos, it's a fantastic way to fuel your body, whether you're starting your day, refueling after a workout, or simply looking for a healthy and indulgent snack. This guilt-free delight tastes just like the real thing. 

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June 05, 2023

Hydration 101: How to Stay Hydrated During Outdoor Workouts

When it comes to outdoor workouts, proper hydration is essential for optimizing performance, preventing dehydration, and maintaining overall well-being. As you sweat and exert yourself in the great outdoors, it's crucial to replenish fluids lost through perspiration. Here are some practical tips to help you stay hydrated during your outdoor workouts, so that you can perform at your best and stay safe.

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June 04, 2023

Off The Beaten Path: The Benefits of Hiking and How to Get Started

Hiking is a fun and fulfilling way to connect with nature while improving your physical and mental well-being. This outdoor activity offers a multitude of benefits that can enhance your overall health and leave you with unforgettable experiences. Hiking has a multitude of benefits for your physical and mental health. If you're just getting started, these practical tips can help you hit the trails without complications. 

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June 03, 2023

Fuel Your Body Right: The Best Foods For A Post-Workout Snack

After an intense workout, it's crucial to refuel your body with the right nutrients to aid in recovery and optimize your fitness gains. The post-workout snack plays a big role in replenishing your energy, repairing muscle, and promoting overall recovery. In this article, we'll explore the best food options for a post-workout snack, catering to both vegans and non-vegans

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June 02, 2023

Recipe: Vegan Protein Cookie Dough Bites

Indulge in guilt-free snacking with our delightful Vegan Protein Cookie Dough Bites. Made with the rich and chocolatey Phyto Perfect protein powder from BioHealth, these bites are not only delicious but also packed with plant-based protein + superfoods. Perfect for on the go or as a quick snack, whip up a batch of these delectable treats and satisfy your sweet tooth while getting in some extra protein.

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June 01, 2023

10 Essential Nutrients Your Body Needs and How to Get Them

Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal health and well-being. By understanding the essential nutrients your body needs, you can make better, more informed choices about your diet. Here are ten key nutrients and some practical tips on how to incorporate them into your daily meals. 

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May 16, 2023

5 Reasons to Try Yoga for Improved Flexibility & Strength

In a world filled with high-intensity workouts and fast-paced fitness trends, sometimes we overlook the incredible benefits of a more mindful and holistic approach to exercise. Yoga, an ancient practice that combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation, offers a multitude of benefits beyond flexibility and strength. Here's five compelling reasons why you should give yoga a try and discover how it can enhance your overall well-being by improving flexibility and strength.

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May 16, 2023

Wanderlust Workout: How to Stay Active While Traveling

When it comes to traveling, many of us tend to put our fitness routines on hold and heavily indulge. However, staying active while exploring new destinations not only helps us maintain our health but also enhances the overall travel experience. Here's some practical tips and creative ideas to help you stay active and energized during your adventures.

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May 12, 2023

Chocolate Mocha Protein Smoothie Recipe

This smoothie is the ultimate indulgence for coffee and chocolate lovers. lThis delightful blend combines the rich and satisfying taste of a mochaccino withe the benefits of added protein. It's the perfect way to kick-start your day or refueld after a workout while satisfying cravings. This has the perfect balance of creamy chocolate, bold espresso and protein for a smoothie that will leave you energized. 

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May 11, 2023

Recipe: Churro Protein Bars

If you're a fan of the classic churro but also want to prioritize your fitness goals, we've got the ultimate churro treat.These homemade churro protein bars offer all the irresistible flavors of a churro while providing a boost of protein to fuel your active lifestyle. Whether you need a pre-workout pick-me-up or a guilt-free dessert, our Churro Protein Bars are the perfect solution.

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May 10, 2023

How To Craft The Perfect Healthy Smoothie Bowl

There's no better way to start your day than to start with something tasty and nutritious. Our top choice? Smoothie bowls. These colorful and vibrant bowls not only please visually but also offer a nourishing blend of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Let's get into the best way to create a delicious and healthy smoothie bowl that will satisfy your taste buds and fuel your body with essential nutrients.

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May 09, 2023

Breaking Free: How to Kick Your Sugar Habit for Good

Sugar. It's deliciously tempting, and everywhere around us. But it can also be addictive and detrimental to our health. Realistically, it's easy to get caught indulging in something decadant more often than not. There's good news though - you can break free from the grip of sugar and regain control. Here, we'll go through practical strategies to help you conquer your sugar habit and embark on a path towards a healthier lifestyle.

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May 04, 2023

Recipe: Blackberry Pineapple Mojito Collagen Mocktail

Indulge in the refreshing and rejuenating flavors of this Blackberry Pineapple Mojito Collagen Mocktail. This invigorating drink combines tropical sweetness with the vibrant burst of blackberries, all enhanced by our bestselling Hydrolyzed Collagen. This mocktail is a simple way to treat yourself guilt-free while reaping the benefits inside-out. 

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May 03, 2023

The Benefits Of Strength Training For Women & How To Begin

Strength training is a crucial component of overall fitness for both men and women. Unfortunately, women have sometimes been discouraged from engaging in strength training due to the belief that it will cause them to bulk up and look less feminine. However, this is simply a myth, as strength training can help women build lean muscle mass, improve bone density, and increase metabolism, leading to overall improved health and fitness.

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April 21, 2023

8 Moves to Build Strength: Beginner Upper Body Workout

If you're just starting your to work out and looking to build strength, incorporating a beginner upper body workout into your routine can help you get started. Building upper body strength not only helps improve your physical appearance but also helps with everyday tasks and improves overall health. If you're just beginning your fitness journey, here's 8 moves to build strength and provide an upper body workout plan to help you get started.

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April 20, 2023

Cookies & Cream Protein Energy Bites Recipe

If you're looking for a tasty and protein-packed snack to fuel your day, these Cookies & Cream protein energy bites are the perfect for any time of day. Made with BioHealth's Precision ISO Cookies & Cream protein powder, these bites are not only delicious but also packed with high-quality protein to keep you satisfied and energized throughout the day. 

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April 18, 2023

Sleep Your Way to Better Health and Fitness: How Sleep Impacts Your Health and How to Improve Your Sleep Quality

We all know that exercise and nutrition are crucial for achieving and maintaining good health and fitness, but what about sleep? Sleep is often overlooked when it comes to our health and fitness goals-especially weight loss, but it plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. Let's get into the impact of sleep on our health and fitness and provide tips for improving your sleep quality.

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April 14, 2023

Guilt-Free Chocolate Protein Chia Seed Muffins Recipe

Who doesn't love chocolate? If you're in need of a healthy snack that satisfies your chocolate cravings, you won't want to miss these Chocolate Protein Chia Seed Muffins. Not only are these muffins delicious, but they're also packed with protein, fiber, and healthy omega-3s.

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